San Francisco Pride Parade

After years of procrastination, I finally made it to the fabulous Pride Parade in San Francisco. This colorful event is a dream for anyone with a camera. It’s almost impossible not get at least a few amazing shots. If you would like to see all of my images from the event, including a couple that…

Planet Pizza

Thanks, Kathy Jackson for remembering this event. I know I have more Polaroids of Planet Pizza somewhere!

Photo Booth Goes Mobile

I took the booth on the road this weekend and set it up at one of the season’s best tasting Christmas events – Dinner at Sam and Mari’s. They were kind enough to let me tack a red backdrop to the wall, and well, the rest is Christmas history. Click for more whacky photos!

The Parinos

We had a little time to kill before dinner at Oakland’s finest restaurant a few weeks ago, and the photo booth was set up, so, well, you can guess what happened next.


thedude passes another milestone, and could not feel better about it. Life is good. A few more photos here.

It is My Goal…

…to photograph everyone who ever visits our loft. In keeping with that goal, I captured tonight’s visit from the fabulous Johnstone girls. We were happy to provide some much-needed comic relief over a delicious dinner while husband/dad Andrew collects dust on the playa. At first, the girls played coy and would not get into the…

Bruce & Catharine and Blogging Again

After some well-deserved taunting from the Kellster, I took a long look at my blog to see if I could get excited about blogging again. After some searching, I found a WordPress plugin that will make posting image galleries like the one below much easier and this nice-looking theme by Anders Norén. Both make me…

Galeries Lafayette

Luckily, Kelly was not the least bit interested in fighting massive crowds at the Louvre, so we blew that off, and instead went shopping.

Weekend of Love

We spent a perfect three-day weekend in Gualala with a few of our favorite people. We drove up the coast with no firm plans, loaded down with food and booze. We stayed in our pajamas the first day while we waited out a much-needed rain storm, but things got really nice on the second day….


One of many surprises on the trip was the beauty of Budapest in the morning. Wish we’d had time to see the interior of the Gellert Spa. Finally time for a coffee and treats at Anna Café. More photos of beautiful Budapest here.


The spectacular Melk Abbey provided plenty of eye-popping splendor on today’s tour. We found a delightful mix of the ultra-modern design and treasures from the past. The library was really stunning, but unfortunately, no photos were allowed. To give you some idea what it looked like, have a look at this amazing 3D shot of…

Fifty-Eight Big Ones

Can you believe it? thedude certainly can not! We celebrated the auspicious occasion with a marvelous party. A huge thanks to Chris and Ben for hosting the event, and to Red for the super-fine grillin’! Click here if you want to see a few more shots.

Last Night

I like this shot of thedude and Kellster a lot. So I’m posting it. It’s my blog. So there.

Crazy Beautiful Wine Country

Our dear friends Ann and Lynne provided the excuse for a trip to the Napa Valley. As it happens, the trip could not have been timed more perfectly. We arrived just in time to witness Mother Nature at her scenic best. Thanks to Lynne, we visited some of the most beautiful wineries we have ever…

How Low Can You Go?

If you’re on land and in North America, the answer to that question is, “282 feet below sea level”.  

Snow Cat

Shot on the same day as the previous entry, I’m about to take a noisy, bone-rattling ride across the frozen Baffin Bay in a Snow Cat. If you look closely, you can see a bunch of sled dogs in the background resting after a 70-mile race held each year during the Julemand (Christmas) festivities. I’ll…

Fifteen Minutes of FLAME!

OK, here it is, more than twenty years after the devastating Oakland Hills Fire, and we’re still talking about it. Well, at least I’m still talking about it. This time I’m sharing my experience with the crew from yet another reality show — Deadliest Planet. Watch out! Here comes another urban fire video! It’s not…

Brad Pitt Movie Premier in Oakland!

Some of us were a bit disappointed by the missing Ms. Pitt, but I guess this (incredibly good-looking) dude will do in a pinch. And yes, of course, I’m referring to thedude sparking up Oaksterbong!

Point Arena, 2011

Thanks Tom and Julie, for including us in your trip fabulous food-filled trip up nort’. The whole weekend was fabulous. Steaks on the grill, shopping in Mendo… But that meal at Cafe Beaujolais was one of the most memorable ever. Awesome.

Our White Christmas

I was not looking forward to driving 5 hours to Shaver Lake to be held prisoner in a cabin in the snow, but that’s not how it turned out at all. The holiday I dread the most turned out to be more than tolerable this year. At times, it was actually fun. The food and…

Kakku and Pa-O People

On the morning of our twelfth day in Burma, our guide told us we would be taking a three and a half hour drive to Kakku. This is the amount of time required to drive 26 miles on Burma’s horrible roads. Our rough ride took us to yet another truly amazing site – more than…

OK – Back to Burma

Now that the Christmas carnage is over, I can finally share another of those “Man, it’s a small world!” moments that happened to us while in Burma. On the eighth day of our trip, we told our guide that we were too tired to go out that night. We said we’d just stay in and…