San Francisco Pride Parade

After years of procrastination, I finally made it to the fabulous Pride Parade in San Francisco. This colorful event is a dream for anyone with a camera. It’s almost impossible not get at least a few amazing shots. If you would like to see all of my images from the event, including a couple that…

Image Restoration with and PhotoShop

Among the many cool things you can do with, one of the best uses I’ve found is image restoration. It seems to work very well on images that are slightly out of focus or perhaps lacking in resolution.

An Image Slider. w00t!

So, this is cool. I implemented a simple before-and-after image slider so that I can show the effect of the AI image enhancements I’ve been doing with Krea and PhotoShop.


If you have an HDR monitor like the Apple XDR display, you will immediately know what this post is about. Those of you with “normal” displays may see a difference, but it may not be that obvious.  This post is made possible by a confluence of very cool things. My neighbor bought a new camera…

Zion and Bryce National Parks

We recently made our first ever visit to Zion and Bryce National Parks. We knew we were in for a treat, but neither of us imagined just how spectacular this part of Utah is.

I Bought a Drone

The interesting thing about today’s featured images is that it was totally random. I was merely demonstrating the features of the DJI mini-2 to a neighbor. I took exactly one panoramic shot with the new toy, and did not think much of it. That is, until I got home and opened it in Capture One….

Best Shot of Andrew Ever

Most excellent photographer Jonathan Clark got this drone shot of Andrew at Burning Man 2019. It is featured in a story of an excellent new film that captures the Burning Man experience more faithfully than any I have ever seen. The story about the new Burning Man movie appears in New Musical Express, Britain’s ‘Rolling…

Nature Photography During a Pandemic

I don’t get out of the loft much these days, but there are still ways to do nature photography. It’s still possible to find amazing things to shoot right in your own back yard. To get shots like these, all you need is a telephoto lens and perhaps, a bit of patience.

Sophie, Revisited

She’s a sweet 16-year-old now, and in need of some photos for her yearbook. She’s changed a bit since I took this shot of her eight years ago.

Xenophon 2019 Gala

Photobooth made an appearance once again. This year’s shots make me very happy. Here are a few of my favorites.

Cawley Christmas Card

I have wanted to post this one for a while, but had to wait until after Christmas. I’m pretty pleased with these joyful shots. They look great on the card.

Halloween, 2018

It’s been close to a year since I made an entry. I guess I’ve grown wary of all forms of social media. But, now that Google+ will be going away, I will try to find the motivation to post more frequently on my new Google+ inspired design. I have been setting up the photo booth…

Kelly hangs with the minis

Kelly hangs with the minis at another fundraiser, this time for The rest of the shots ->

Happy New Year

We busted out the champagne and the photo booth to celebrate the beginning of a new year and a very special birthday!

Halloween Photo Booth

Happy Halloween! We had a small celebration yesterday in the office, and the boof was there! It’s a good thing, too. I would not have wanted to be caught without a camera on this fun and colorful day! Here are a few of my favorite shots.  

Xenophon Gala Photo Booth

The “boof” was a huge hit again at this year’s Gala, held at the amazing Blackhawk Auto Museum, who claims to have the World’s Best Car Collection. Having seen the collection, it’s hard to argue with that. I made a couple of small changes to my photo booth this time. I used a somewhat smaller…

White Background for Business Head Shots

I’ve decided that the white background is my favorite for business head shots. This is mainly because they are so easy to produce consistently, but also because a pure white background is so versatile. To create these, I use a simple two-light setup. First I place a 7-foot umbrella with diffuser behind the subject and,…

Our Fastest Sequencer Ever!

A fun project for this special day. From the e-mail sent to the whole company: Finished with subtle touches from the impenetrable genius of industrial design guru Jim Pire, the new system’s speed will leave the competition in the dust. Have I ever told you how much I love my job?


Next door neighbor Alex also paints. Seems I know a lot of artists. Lucky me! I think I have this whole Brenizer thing worked out. I purchased a proper VR rig from Really Right Stuff, and now making these is a breeze. I can shoot a whole 49 image series in less than two minutes….


The first of what I hope will be several shots of my favorite genius in one of his many workspaces. I didn’t realize when I shot it, but at 70 images, this is the highest resolution image I ever made. It would print beautifully ten feet wide. I’d like to see that. The featured image…

Nick’s Cove

Kelly and I stopped here for oysters on the way to Point Arena. The food and the view were both excellent. We also saw this happy furball in need of a trim.


I am so happy to have Jack as a friend and neighbor. And not just because he was kind enough to sit for me today. It’s also because he possesses many things I covet, none less than his cool and inspiring workspace filled with tools and toys. I feel my creativity jump whenever I set…