Amazing Stuff Happens

Kelly and I visited new friend Curtis spectacular home this weekend to have a look at the Burning Man shots on his 19-foot home theater screen. In case that wasn’t cool enough, Curtis had a scheme to make it even more memorable and amazing. Wow! View more pictures of this awesome evening on Google+, of…

Andrew & Jeri’s Dazzling Wedding on the Playa

Surrounded by bees and unicorns, Andrew and Jeri and Ursula and Sophie made it official on Wednesday as the sun set on The Man. With the Reverend Billy presiding, I assure you, this event was more beautiful and spectacular than you can imagine. If you want more, you’ll find a couple hundred high-resolution images from…

Fifty-Eight Big Ones

Can you believe it? thedude certainly can not! We celebrated the auspicious occasion with a marvelous party. A huge thanks to Chris and Ben for hosting the event, and to Red for the super-fine grillin’! Click here if you want to see a few more shots.

Andrew’s Largest Work – So Far

I brought the new camera to try and capture the sheer size of Andrew’s latest masterpiece. I think it’s amazing. No matter how many times he explains it to me, I’ll never understand how he does this sort of work. I would not have a clue where to start… Click here for a (5 MB)…

Merry Christmas!

We’re having a quiet Christmas this year. Yay! We just shared Christmas kisses with Jeri and Andrew. We are lucky to be able to count them among our very best friends.

4∞ and Fabulous!

It’s been far too long since we spent quality time with Andrew, Jeri and the kids. What a wonderful evening. Thank you so much for the great food and fun. Happy birthday sweetie!

Muir Woods With the Girls

We spent the last day of our four-day weekend at Muir Woods with Andrew, Jeri and the girls. After a hike through the breathtaking redwoods, we stopped at the Pelican Inn for fish & chips, bangers & mash and a few pints. A delicious way to end the holiday weekend!

So Much to Be Thankful For

Wonderful friends, perfect Bay Area weather, fantastic food. An awesome day. Love to all of you from thedude and Kellster!