Jim Rowe’s visit is coinciding with some spectacular Bay Area weather. The high temperature in Oakland was only in the upper 50’s, but in the warm sun it felt like 75. Perfect weather for oysters on the pier at the Lake Chalet.

Later, we went up to Skyline Ranch to visit with Kelly and Bandit.
…that’s a lot warmer than it was here in WI. We’ve been in the single digits with wind chill temps below zero.
Bandit is a really great looking horse. If Kelly rode western, she wouldn’t have to worry about keeping her feet in. 🙂 Western is heels out, toes in. Or, at least it was when I was riding.
thedude has offered to buy me a saddle that may be a bit safer for riding the trails. In the future I will not have to worry about looking terrific in the saddle and can focus on just staying on when outside the arena! I am going to start searching for a western or australian one soon.
Sounds expensive. 🙂
Cute Horse & rider. Hey Jim spend some of that money you have hidden under your mattress and get your wife a new saddle:)