I got up extra early today to take part in a record-breaking photo. I had the chance to appear with a large group of Smart Cars two-abreast winding all the way down the “crookedest street in America“. I was not going to miss this!

The event turned out to be better than I had hoped – in spite of the typical San Francisco summer weather. What made it really special for me is that without making any effort to do so, I found myself in the absolute prime location for the photo. Me and my little car are not only in the first row, but we are in the position closest to the official event photographer.
How smart!
if you are in the car, who took the picture?
Dude, you are the most amazingest flucky dude on dem planet hey.
‘course, da lens made you look like you be drivin’ a cadillac man.
Nancy, I handed my camera out my car window to a total stranger who offered to take the shot. I’ll admit I was a bit nervous about it, but he was carrying the same Nikon camera as mine, so I trusted him. 🙂
Dude, you are killin’ me!!!!! That is way funny…we saw a little Smart Car over the weekend here in town…..:-)
I don’t see any 450 models in the pictures. Were any in attendance, or was this exclusively 2008 model 451 smart cars?
Hey! I remember you. I was the first one to climb up the wall for a picture opposite of the buildings at Ft. Mason.