Today marked the beginning of what promises to be a long party season. My best man Steve kicked off a string of September birthday parties with a gathering at Tilden Park today to celebrate his 60th. Man, it’s hard to believe. It seems like Steve’s 50th was just a year or two ago. Time does indeed fly.

By the way, sorry I didn’t take as many shots as I normally would at the party today. I’m nursing a painful case of tendinitis which began the day after I lugged my heavy camera and flash around for 5 hours at the S.F. Carnaval Parade. Who knew that taking too many pictures could be hazardous to your health!? Anyway, the information I’ve gathered suggests that this pain could last for months, and that the best cure for it is to take it easy and let the arm rest. That won’t be easy though, since I absolutely have to keep shooting. That, plus I use this arm to drive my mouse 14 hours a day. Right now I’d give my right arm to be ambidextrous.
Great photos as usual dammit, even injuried your making me look bad!
Ah – it’s just that I own superior hardware. Nikon RULES! Heh. 🙂