If you know me, you know that I could live the rest of my life on a diet consisting of nothing but sushi. Hamachi sashimi is the simply best food in the world – period. And the very BEST hamachi can be found at Tachibana n Oakland. Ah, but it doesn’t end there! The sushi chefs at Tachibana also make the undisputed best spider rolls. I also recommend the white tuna toro and when it’s available – the amazing tara kasuzuki. (A delicate white fish marinated with sake lees for several days.)

Okay, I know you’re going to think this is really freaky, but hey, consider the source! Tell Toni that if she chopped her hair off and dyed it SCREAMING PINK, she’d look EXACTLY like the gal who just got booted off “American Idol” this past week…..the Hunter household was quite devastated…..:-( I think her name is Cindy Adams, but I can’t remember. I was really irritated that NONE of the judges said she reminded them of “LuLu”……you know, the red-head chick in the Sidney Poitner vehicle, “To Sir, With Love”…..
Oops, I’m sorry….I was babbling on and on….must…….go…….to……..bed……………or at least………have another cocktail!!!