Robbie Returns!

Our dear friend and neighbor Robbie is back from more than a month in Bali. She had such a wonderful time that claims she’s ready to move there. (Make sure you have a guest bedroom for Jim and Kelly!) She took an Esalen massage class at the Melati Cottages in Ubud, Bali. Now, in order…

It’s Derby Day!

One of Kelly’s favorite days of the year. Here she is – margarita in hand cheering on Buddy Gil. Does he have a chance? We’ll see… She also mentioned Peace Rules. Of course, neither of us ever picks a winner.


Whew, do I look forward to my weekends! They have never been quite as important as they are now. Damn! I think I work too hard. Today I had to rebuild a Windows workstation. It took the better part of the whole day. Ugh! This weekend will be a busy one, though. Feels like we…

Virtual Tours

If you have never clicked on my Virtual Tours link – do it now. If you’re interested, I used four different cameras in the making of these, but just one piece of software – PhotoVista – dataing back to the days when it was part of John Scully’s Live Picture. (Later it was owned by…

My way-before-Christmas wish-list

I know – it’s a bit early, but I just saw this this little beauty. I want one! (Maybe I should buy one for my wife – wink, wink.)