Sophie, Revisited

She’s a sweet 16-year-old now, and in need of some photos for her yearbook. She’s changed a bit since I took this shot of her eight years ago.

Kelly hangs with the minis

Kelly hangs with the minis at another fundraiser, this time for The rest of the shots ->

White Background for Business Head Shots

I’ve decided that the white background is my favorite for business head shots. This is mainly because they are so easy to produce consistently, but also because a pure white background is so versatile. To create these, I use a simple two-light setup. First I place a 7-foot umbrella with diffuser behind the subject and,…


I volunteered to shoot headshots of my coworkers a few weeks ago. Having never actually done such a thing, I realized that I’d better learn how. So, I watched a couple of YouTube videos, bought an inexpensive studio flash and umbrella, and set it up in our office hallway, where the Venetian plaster walls seemed…

Richard Lair

My friend Herve had this to say when he saw my shot of Richard. β€ŸHe has a Faulknerian stance, with a sprinkle of twinkling old Mark twain…” Richard is the world’s authority on the Asian Elephant. He has lived in Thailand for most of his life, and has spent much of that time running one…

Kelly Likes This One Best

She thinks this is my most natural smile, and I agree, but I thought the glass of Ketel One might be a bit too much for my page, so I chose a shot with a camera – naturally! Many, many thanks to the awesome Steve Fossum for the fantastic shots. I did not think…

Celebrating Aunt Mary’s Life

I shot an event to honor the life of Kelly’s beloved Aunt Mary in Redding a couple weekends ago. Here are a few of my favorites from that day. I hadn’t used my Nikon D3 for a while, but decided that it along with the light, fast, super-sharp Nikkor 85mm f1.8 lens would be perfect…

Last Night at San Gregorio Beach

I’m pretty happy with this shot of my wife with her parents and best friends Jeff and Wendy. To make it, I used my new FourSquare lighting system, held high above my head while I clutched the D3 with the other hand and snapped this about 30 minutes after sunset. The colors in this one…

Muir Woods With the Girls

We spent the last day of our four-day weekend at Muir Woods with Andrew, Jeri and the girls. After a hike through the breathtaking redwoods, we stopped at the Pelican Inn for fish & chips, bangers & mash and a few pints. A delicious way to end the holiday weekend!

Cherubs with Face Paint

Andrew caught this fantastic shot of Sophie and Ursula on their first visit to Disneyland. thedude and Kellster like the shot so much that we made a magnet out of it and hung it on our refrigerator. That’s saying quite a lot, because like at least nine other people on planet Earth, thedude also hates…

I Still Get Nervous Before a Shoot

Sure, digital photography takes a lot of the guesswork out of portrait work, but you still never know how a shoot will go. I worry about everything. And then this happens… shane Shane and Tanya – you look mah-velous!