The 1U servers are part of our computational clusters. Yeah – there is some color-coding. White for UNIX, blue for cluster nodes, orange for cluster trunks, black for Windoze, yellow for serial, green for storage, but of course, there are exceptions. 🙂 The crash cart ( has a monitor, keyboard and UPS. The UPS allows me to roll the cart from server to server even if the power is out.
You da best SysAdmin! You are! So THANK YOU, Dude!
Holy smoke, can I get some sauce for all that spaghetti?
What are all the 1U servers? Is there a color code for the cabling? Explain the cart and UPS.
I also agree with Bruce!
The 1U servers are part of our computational clusters. Yeah – there is some color-coding. White for UNIX, blue for cluster nodes, orange for cluster trunks, black for Windoze, yellow for serial, green for storage, but of course, there are exceptions. 🙂 The crash cart ( has a monitor, keyboard and UPS. The UPS allows me to roll the cart from server to server even if the power is out.