I use a PhotoShop Action to prepare images for my blog. My “Blogerize” action scales images for the site in steps while applying a bit of smart sharpening along the way. The action also converts the images to the appropriate color depth and color space. Since I need to do these things for every image I post, there is no better time-saver in PhotoShop than Actions.
Recently, a friend asked me to send him my Blogerize Action, and that made me wonder about other useful PhotoShop Actions, which eventually led me to Adobe’s own PhotoShop Exchange. Despite the site’s annoying Flash design, there are several cool tools here, including the Action I used to create this fun “collage”. Search for “B&Big Picture”, and get more info about Actions here.
Oh my God, I took this picture! I am so honored, a photo I took on The Dude’s blog!!!
Yes, you did a fine job, Ann! I really like the shot! 🙂