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February 6, 2007

To Our Pal Greg, With Love

grapeone3.jpgYou know that I try to keep my blog upbeat. I rarely post anything even remotely negative. I strive to make everyone look great and happy. This is why most of you have the impression that it's one big party over here. Let me assure you that even the most upbeat members of staff is not immune to sadness.

I've been trying to find the proper tribute to our talented and hilarious friend, and I've decided to honor Greg's passing the way I know he'd want us to - over a meal with a bottle of our finest wine. Yes, that's exactly what we'll do.

So we raise a toast to you, Greg. To your talent, your smile - this is the way we'll always remember you.

With love from Jim and Kelly.

Posted by thedude at February 6, 2007 12:20 PM


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