Despite near gale-force winds, this motivated group was undeterred in its quest to place a small white ball in a teeny-tiny hole far, far away. First at Sea Ranch Golf Links, and the next day at the Little River Inn.

I know – two golf courses in two days??? Don’t worry – thedude has not taken up golfing. He’d still rather eat great food with great friends and watch the sun set over the Pacific any day.

On Monday, we drove to the Ricochet Ridge Ranch, where friendly guide Meghan cruised the beach with Kelly aboard a spirited pony named Nightcap. this was definitely the high point of the trip for Kellster, and without a doubt the best photo op!

We went on a four day trek with Lari many years ago. It was amazing.
Hi Judy – That’s good to hear because I’m thinking of going out on her week long trip one day. We chatted with her and she seems really nice and very energetic!
Beautiful Kelly!