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January 26, 2008

We're Going to NASA!

nerd.jpgAndrew, Jeri and Jim plan to leave Oakland very early on Sunday morning to attend a super-nerdy event at the NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field - home to Hangar One - a truly ginormous dirigible hangar. I've been told that it's OK to bring my camera, so I promise to make a blog entry about the event in the next day or two!

To get in the mood for tomorrow's trip, Jim, Wendy and myself are making the 5 minute drive to St. George Distillery Alameda. There we'll be sipping vodka made in another hangar with the same name, grappa, fruit-infused Eau de Vie, Whiskey, and perhaps most interestingly, Absinthe!

On the way back from Alameda, maybe we'll pop in to Dashe Cellars - just three blocks from here. Woo-hoo! Sounds like a fun day ahead!

Posted by thedude at January 26, 2008 8:56 AM


Moffet Field. What great memories my brother and I had there. He took Catillion dancing lessons there, and we both were participants in a wedding. His best friend married mine at the chapel on base. We also over our youth saw some great air shows

Posted by: Nancy at January 27, 2008 10:38 PM

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