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June 30, 2007

It's Probably Too Late for Many of You

It's very important that you NOT visit the links in the recent "e-card exploit" making the rounds.

The subject line on these messages is something like "You've received a greeting postcard from a class mate!" Notice the misspelling of "classmate". This is clue number one that this may not be a legit e-mail.

Clue number two is that the sender is an anonymous person or thing. A "class mate" or a "family member". If this were legitimate, wouldn't the company do a better job of personalize the e-mail for you? Maybe by including the full name name of the sender? And who calls this a "greeting postcard" anyway?

At this point I'm sending this message to the trash, and so should you!

There are more things to make you go hrm. The message is signed by someone or something at a real-sounding dot-com like "", but the link in the message says nothing about that domain name. In fact, it's all numbers and letters! Never click on a link that looks like this!

This is clue number three, just in case clue numbers one and two weren't enough.

Hey! Let's be careful out there!

Posted by thedude at June 30, 2007 4:55 PM


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