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May 11, 2007

San Francisco Death March

Entertaining guests from out of town is exhausting. Ann and Lynne had made a detailed list of must-see Bay Area "attractions" - some of which I had been successfully avoiding for nearly 25 years. Places like Fisherman's Wharf, The Haight, Lombard Street, the Painted Ladies, Chinatown, Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco cable cars and Alcatraz are not high on my list of favorite destinations. It turns out though, that it can actually be fun cramming all of this into a one-day visit to San Francisco. Photo-ops abound. I'm reminded just how wonderful it is to live in the Bay Area!

gg_bridge.jpg lombard_st.jpg
painted_ladies.jpg haight.jpg
wharf.jpg seals.jpg
cherries.jpg alcatraz_girls.jpg

This was my first visit to Alcatraz, and I found it to be well worth the trip. The audio tour paints a vivid and often moving picture of what life (and death) was like on The Rock.

alcatraz_rust.jpg alcatraz_library.jpg
alcatraz_cell_126.jpg alcatraz_broadway.jpg riders_view.jpg
riders.jpg golden_buddah.jpg

Posted by thedude at May 11, 2007 9:15 AM


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