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March 21, 2007

A Shameful Story

A reader who saw one of my entries about Diego Garcia suggested I take a look at an award-winning story which details the despicable treatment forced upon the 2,000 original inhabitants of Diego Garcia. The fact that there were any inhabitants other than the workers on the copra plantation came as a shock to me. Although I was never actually told this by anyone of authority on the island, it was "common knowledge" that the island had no indigenous population.

Eventually, I read about this shameful story at various Internet sites, but this video offers much more detail about the horrible treatment endured by the original inhabitants of this beautiful island. I found the video quite disturbing. I wonder how I would have felt about going if I had known this story in advance.

Posted by thedude at March 21, 2007 4:15 PM


The plight of so many before us should not pollute you. Keep seeing theGOODDude.

Posted by: Koji at March 21, 2007 9:31 PM

hi been reading your blog.

I was wondering if you remembered soemone called Mike Fleming as he used to work there and died a few years ago. I would really like to talk to you about this if you could contact me.

Posted by: Kirsty Fleming at July 4, 2007 8:21 AM

So non indeginous people who come from Africa and India predominately to work on a plantation on land they do not own who about 2000 total (I think it was less) make a nation? Sounds like they were the ones trying to steal the land from a nation and amazingly it did not work.
But I agree liberals should buy them an island and fund it and if a liberally run third world impoverished nation owned the land just give it to them and they pay for it all. Hell that's what happened on Vieques Island in Peurto Rico the only native birds and fauna were on the Range part of the Island of which the US owned ALL of it including the non range and over the years homesteaders illegally moved in to provide services then stayed and claimed rights to the land and we at huge tax payer and readiness expense costing lives and billions since gave it back and the same with the Panama Canal. I see the only shameful thing being idiots looking for a free ride and other idiots giving them a voice to steal. I say start a web page and buy em an island somewhere liberals.

Posted by: GIJOE at February 15, 2008 6:43 PM

hi there
"I see the only shameful thing being idiots looking for a free ride and other idiots giving them a voice to steal. I say start a web page and buy em an island somewhere liberals."

you could be right, after all it's a british island that america don't pay a penny rent.

this is causing friction here in the uk. things are tenacious as it is with anglo american relations not doing so well.
rendition flights has brought this out into the open, as it was british soil, and america was told that we would not allow this to happen under any guise.
this case is not going away and there can only be one outcome..islanders will be put back home..and either the base there lives with it or it's goodbye to to the base.
we brits do not get any benefit from the base in anyway, the cold war is over and the current conflicts don't justify the base being there.

hopefull an amicable outcome can be found for these people..

Posted by: whisperathome at February 28, 2008 6:23 AM

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