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January 12, 2007

Your Basic Fire Opera

Have I mentioned how much I love living in the Bay Area? Where else I could find an event quite like The Crucible's red hot Romeo and Juliet Fire Ballet?

I'll be honest here - I am not likely to ever attend a "real" opera. This sort of music/theater springs from a level of consciousness I have never been able to attain. I know I'd be as confused as I would be at a Grateful Dead concert. I just don't get it.

Now, take your average opera and throw in a few sexy flame swallowers and a little molten metal, and suddenly it all makes sense! A spectacle created just for for thedude. Both Grant and myself gave the performance a thumbs up. Big fun!

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This was one of the most difficult photo shoots I've ever done. I had a seat in the fourth row and could not move from my seat. The lighting alternated between almost total darkness to the blinding light of a small thermonuclear device. This is the first time I have ever shot with my camera set on ISO 1200. I wanted to portray motion, but get some sort of in-focus shots. I could not rely on auto-focus in the darkness, so I focused manually. To give myself some depth-of-focus, I shot on shutter priority most of the night - in the 1/10 to 1/30 of a second range. What a challenge!

Oh - and the famous Crucible fire truck was in action before the show. I shot a picture of a young man and handed him my card. Just in case you actually came to my site, here's the picture of the fireball you sent skyward.

Posted by thedude at January 12, 2007 7:21 PM


Oh my gersh Dude, you never cease to amaze me...those photos are gorgeous. Love that shot of the star-crossed lovers under the "moon". I would have loved to be in the 4th row with you...that looks like one cool performance....


Posted by: Wendage at January 13, 2007 11:49 AM

Hey Dude! Harley and I went to see this last weekend. Your pics are great, how did you manage it? Miss you all and Affy too. A big hug. We should get together sometime... hello to the lovely Kelly. Meghan.

Posted by: Meghan at January 18, 2007 6:03 PM

Heh. I was the "official" photographer - Press Pass and all. Sat right next to the Crucible's Marketing Director. :)

Posted by: thedude at January 18, 2007 6:08 PM

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