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January 12, 2007

More than a Megadose

I think a gigadose is more like what I need. I have another bad head cold - my second in as many months. I can not remember ever having two colds in rapid succession. I'm blaming it on job stress. That plus I may have taken on a few too many projects.

I really have to learn how to say no.

Posted by thedude at January 12, 2007 2:56 PM


Yes, I'm always trying to get Cinderella to say NO to some things as well...something I never have trouble doing. I'm amazed (knock on wood) that I have yet to pick up a bug at work....people have been sick constantly since about October. I credit it to the vitamins and the hand sanitizer on my desk, which I use every 5 seconds....take care....


Posted by: Wendage at January 13, 2007 11:52 AM
