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January 28, 2007

A View of the Third Floor at Affymetrix, Emeryville

I'm very impressed with the results produced by the latest version of PhotoVista. I forgot to level the camera for this panorama, and the results are still nearly perfect.


There are still a few steps involved to get this kind of quality.

  1. Shoot 8 RAW images using a Nikkor 14mm lens with the camera in portrait orientation on a Kaidan Panoramic head.
  2. Open the 8 RAW images in PhotoShop, apply color-correction, dust spot when necessary.
  3. Apply the amazing PTLens filter to each image to correct for minor distortion introduced by the wide-angle lens.
  4. Save the images as high-quality JPEG's. (I could choose non-lossy compression at this point, but I know the image will be greatly reduced in size for the web, so a little compression is OK here.)
  5. Open the eight corrected images in PhotoVista and create a 360 degree panorama. (This is now the easiest part!)
  6. Save the resulting panorama as a high-quality JPEG.
  7. Open the panorama in PhotoShop and apply color-correction, spotting, sharpening, etc. as needed.
  8. Reduce the size of the 18,000 pixel-wide panorama to something that will work on the web. This is done in steps - reducing the size 90% or so several times, sometimes applying a little sharpening along the way until reaching the desired size - in this case 5,000 pixels wide.
  9. Create a custom VR page using the .ivr file created by PhotoVista.
  10. Maybe even make a highly compressed version of the original file at its native size for those who have bandwidth to spare.
  11. Make an entry on the blog!

Posted by thedude at January 28, 2007 10:11 AM


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