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January 2, 2007

A Nice Site Gets Nicer

love_happens.jpgthedude was thrilled to discover tonight that the official San Francisco Carnaval web site has given their home page a tune up, and now features one of thedude's shots from carnaval 2006. They must really like the shot because they devoted so much screen real estate to it. Not even features a photo as large as this one (624 x 597 pixels) on the home page! (Well, excluding the giant background image, that is. :)

Notice how the huge image dwarfs the corporate logos? Heh. Cool.

Posted by thedude at January 2, 2007 6:17 PM


Where's the original shot? I don't see it on the 2006 link....maybe my eyes are history.....


Posted by: Wendage at January 3, 2007 11:40 PM

Good call. This image is not one of my favorites, so I didn't even include it in my Carnaval blog entry. :)

Posted by: thedude at January 4, 2007 8:16 AM

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