Sundial Bridge, Redding

We’re a long way from the truly spectacular Milwaukee Art Museum, but not all that far from another beautiful Santiago Calatravo design. The Sundial Bridge is a gorgeous and unexpected treasure in Redding, California.  

Cinema4D Camera Calibration

Learning Cinema4D camera calibration with help from the Gorilla. Extra credit if you find the shot used as a basis for this booklet cover.

Angry Bird

Kelly’s beloved Boo isn’t really angry. I think he’s just infatuated with the handsome photographer.

Poop Scoopin’ with Annie

While most of the rest of the country deals with a weather emergency, Jim and Kelly drove out to Xenophon to meet the newest member of the herd – Annie. She seems to be taking to her new digs nicely.

Second Super Sunday

What fun! Great game, even if the wrong team came out on top. We first took a shot like this last year, and decided to do it again in 2013. Looking forward to a third shot in 2014!