A Reminder…

Mark Downey’s images will be on display on Central Avenue at Webster in Alameda this evening at 6:00. See you there!

TechTV Discovers the Virtual Playa

Andrew’s masterpiece will be featured on an upcoming TechTV spot. The TechTV folks interviewed Andrew for almost two hours this afternoon in his loft. They pulled Barbara and Ursula into the action, too. Here Barbara shares her thoughts about Virtual Barbara seen on the screen to her right. Yes, that’s Virtual Barbara sitting on a…

Extreme Weather Cover, rev. 1

Chris and I revisited his book cover again this afternoon. The publisher thought our first cover looked a bit “too old fashioned”. We spent just 30 minutes or so, but I think our minor changes made a major difference. It’s amazing what a splash of color and a different font/case can do for a design….

Amazing New York VR

Thanks, Carl for pointing me to this incredible shot of New Year’s Eve in Times Square.

Happy Birthday to My Wonderful Wife

You know, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my very best friend. You are beautiful and kind, and the most thoughtful person I’ve ever known. You enrich my life in so many ways… In a nutshell, You Rule! Thanks for being you. I look forward to spending many many…

A Very Happy New Year’s Eve

Last night’s celebration was the most subdued ever for thedude. Kelly and I celebrated the arrival of 2004 with just two dear friends – Chris and Ben. As you can see, it turned out to be a beautiful evening. We wish all of you a healthy and prosperous new year!